Get Informed! 5: The Brain


We know that mental health and mental illness have to do with how a person’s brain is working, but what is the brain? What are its different parts and what are the functions of these parts? How do mental illnesses occur when parts of the brain have problems functioning, or when communication amongst brain parts is not as it should be? In this assignment you will use a brain exploration tool to get an idea of the different major areas of the brain and what role each plays in human functioning.


1. To gain a basic understanding of the teen brain, scroll through the Teen Mental Health Brain PowerPoint presentations.

2. Visit the G2 Online Brain. From the drop down menu, which should initially read "Whole Brain", go through the different lobes and areas and learn about their associated functions and disorders.

3. In groups based on brain area (ex: parietal, temporal, occipital or frontal lobe or brain stem, cerebellum or limbic system), do a presentation of this brain area. Identify the area's main functions, components and their association to mental illness (if any)

4. You may want to use a presentation tool like:

5. Upload or link to your finished presentation in the Brain Presentations folder in Class Files.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the major lobes (temporal, parietal, frontal, occipital) and areas (cerebellum, brain stem and limbic system) of the brain
  • Understand the ideas of cortex, gyri and sulci (or fissure)
  • Learn about the functions of these areas and a general overiew of the mental illnesses with which these functions are associated

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