Get to know the assignment tool!


A great tool within the virtual classrooms is the "assignment" tool, which allows you to post assignments for students to complete online. Assignments can be shared across classrooms to minimize work, and shared with the broader TIG community by posting them to the Activity Database.

Take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the assignment tool. When posting an assignment, some important things to remember include:

  • Tell students how they're able to submit to the assignment, or allow multiple formats (Discussion post or reply, blog post, writing submission, image or video upload in Gallery, etc.) 
  • Add any relevant documents, images, or videos as resources to the assignment
  • If you post an assignment that you think would be valuable for other educators to learn from and replicate, share it in our Activities Database using the link at the bottom of the assignment page. 


  1. Post an assignment of your own (whether it is real lesson content or something made up!). You can even use content from the TIGed activities database for assignment content (see links). 
  2. Set the start date and due date, and add resources. The due date will be visible to your students. If you do not want this to appear, you may select the ‘No due date’ box underneath, and the assignment will remain open indefinitely.
  3. Once you have posted an assignment, you can try submitting content to any of the virtual classroom's sections, and tag it as a submission to your assignment. To view submissions, click on the student’s name or click ‘View All Submissions’ and you will see their submissions, along with a tool allowing you to assign their submission a mark and comment, which can optionally be e-mailed to them.

Learning Objectives

Become familiar with the functions of the assignment tool!